Amass Scanner¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Run
scan to perform subdomain enumeration of given domain(s).Note
Expects file to be a text file with one top-level domain per line.
- Install:
sudo apt-get install -y -q amass
- Basic Example:
amass enum -ip -brute -active -min-for-recursive 3 -df tesla -json amass.tesla.json
- Luigi Example:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) luigi --local-scheduler --module recon.amass AmassScan --target-file tesla
Parameters: - exempt_list – Path to a file providing blacklisted subdomains, one per line.
- db_location – specifies the path to the database used for storing results Required by upstream Task
- target_file – specifies the file on disk containing a list of ips or domains Required by upstream Task
- results_dir – specifes the directory on disk to which all Task results are written Required by upstream Task
()¶ Returns the target output for this task.
Naming convention for the output file is amass.json.
Returns: luigi.local_target.LocalTarget
()¶ AmassScan depends on TargetList to run.
TargetList expects target_file as a parameter.
Returns: luigi.ExternalTask - TargetList
()¶ Defines the options/arguments sent to amass after processing.
Returns: list of options/arguments, beginning with the name of the executable to run Return type: list
Aquatone Scanner¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Screenshot all web targets and generate HTML report.
- Install:
mkdir /tmp/aquatone wget -q -O /tmp/aquatone/ unzip /tmp/aquatone/ -d /tmp/aquatone sudo mv /tmp/aquatone/aquatone /usr/local/bin/aquatone rm -rf /tmp/aquatone
- Basic Example:
commands are structured like the example webtargets.tesla.txt | /opt/aquatone -scan-timeout 900 -threads 20
- Luigi Example:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) luigi --local-scheduler --module recon.web.aquatone AquatoneScan --target-file tesla --top-ports 1000
Parameters: - threads – number of threads for parallel aquatone command execution
- scan_timeout – timeout in miliseconds for aquatone port scans
- db_location – specifies the path to the database used for storing results Required by upstream Task
- exempt_list – Path to a file providing blacklisted subdomains, one per line. Optional by upstream Task
- top_ports – Scan top N most popular ports Required by upstream Task
- ports – specifies the port(s) to be scanned Required by upstream Task
- interface – use the named raw network interface, such as “eth0” Required by upstream Task
- rate – desired rate for transmitting packets (packets per second) Required by upstream Task
- target_file – specifies the file on disk containing a list of ips or domains Required by upstream Task
- results_dir – specifes the directory on disk to which all Task results are written Required by upstream Task
()¶ Returns the target output for this task.
Returns: luigi.contrib.sqla.SQLAlchemyTarget
()¶ Read in aquatone’s .json file and update the associated Target record
()¶ AquatoneScan depends on GatherWebTargets to run.
- GatherWebTargets accepts exempt_list and expects rate, target_file, interface,
- and either ports or top_ports as parameters
Returns: luigi.Task - GatherWebTargets
()¶ Defines the options/arguments sent to aquatone after processing.
cat webtargets.tesla.txt | /opt/aquatone -scan-timeout 900 -threads 20
Returns: list of options/arguments, beginning with the name of the executable to run Return type: list
Full Scanner¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Wraps multiple scan types in order to run tasks on the same hierarchical level at the same time.
Because FullScan is a wrapper, it requires all Parameters for any of the Scans that it wraps.
Parameters: - threads – number of threads for parallel gobuster command execution
- wordlist – wordlist used for forced browsing
- extensions – additional extensions to apply to each item in the wordlist
- recursive – whether or not to recursively gobust the target (may produce a LOT of traffic… quickly)
- proxy – protocol://ip:port proxy specification for gobuster
- exempt_list – Path to a file providing blacklisted subdomains, one per line.
- top_ports – Scan top N most popular ports
- ports – specifies the port(s) to be scanned
- interface – use the named raw network interface, such as “eth0”
- rate – desired rate for transmitting packets (packets per second)
- target_file – specifies the file on disk containing a list of ips or domains
- results_dir – specifes the directory on disk to which all Task results are written
()¶ FullScan is a wrapper, as such it requires any Tasks that it wraps.
Gobuster Scanner¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Use
to perform forced browsing.- Install:
go get git clone
- Basic Example:
gobuster dir -q -e -k -t 20 -u -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -p -o gobuster.tesla.txt -x php,html
- Luigi Example:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) luigi --local-scheduler --module recon.web.gobuster GobusterScan --target-file tesla --top-ports 1000 --interface eth0 --proxy --extensions php,html --wordlist /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt --threads 20
Parameters: - threads – number of threads for parallel gobuster command execution
- wordlist – wordlist used for forced browsing
- extensions – additional extensions to apply to each item in the wordlist
- recursive – whether or not to recursively gobust the target (may produce a LOT of traffic… quickly)
- proxy – protocol://ip:port proxy specification for gobuster
- exempt_list – Path to a file providing blacklisted subdomains, one per line. Optional by upstream Task
- db_location – specifies the path to the database used for storing results Required by upstream Task
- top_ports – Scan top N most popular ports Required by upstream Task
- ports – specifies the port(s) to be scanned Required by upstream Task
- interface – use the named raw network interface, such as “eth0” Required by upstream Task
- rate – desired rate for transmitting packets (packets per second) Required by upstream Task
- target_file – specifies the file on disk containing a list of ips or domains Required by upstream Task
- results_dir – specifes the directory on disk to which all Task results are written Required by upstream Task
()¶ Returns the target output for this task.
If recursion is disabled, the naming convention for the output file is gobuster.TARGET_FILE.txt Otherwise the output file is recursive-gobuster_TARGET_FILE.log
Results are stored in their own directory: gobuster-TARGET_FILE-results
Returns: luigi.local_target.LocalTarget
()¶ Reads in each individual gobuster file and adds each line to the database as an Endpoint
()¶ GobusterScan depends on GatherWebTargets to run.
- GatherWebTargets accepts exempt_list and expects rate, target_file, interface,
- and either ports or top_ports as parameters
Returns: luigi.Task - GatherWebTargets
()¶ Defines the options/arguments sent to gobuster after processing.
Returns: list of options/arguments, beginning with the name of the executable to run Return type: list
Hackthebox Scanner¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Wraps multiple scan types in order to run tasks on the same hierarchical level at the same time.
Because HTBScan is a wrapper, it requires all Parameters for any of the Scans that it wraps.
Parameters: - threads – number of threads for parallel gobuster command execution
- wordlist – wordlist used for forced browsing
- extensions – additional extensions to apply to each item in the wordlist
- recursive – whether or not to recursively gobust the target (may produce a LOT of traffic… quickly)
- proxy – protocol://ip:port proxy specification for gobuster
- exempt_list – Path to a file providing blacklisted subdomains, one per line.
- top_ports – Scan top N most popular ports
- ports – specifies the port(s) to be scanned
- interface – use the named raw network interface, such as “eth0”
- rate – desired rate for transmitting packets (packets per second)
- target_file – specifies the file on disk containing a list of ips or domains
- results_dir – specifes the directory on disk to which all Task results are written
()¶ HTBScan is a wrapper, as such it requires any Tasks that it wraps.
Masscan Scanner¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Run
against a target specified via the TargetList Task.Note
When specified,
is processed and then ultimately passed to--ports
.- Install:
git clone /tmp/masscan make -s -j -C /tmp/masscan sudo mv /tmp/masscan/bin/masscan /usr/local/bin/masscan rm -rf /tmp/masscan
- Basic Example:
masscan -v --open-only --banners --rate 1000 -e tun0 -oJ masscan.tesla.json --ports 80,443,22,21 -iL tesla.ips
- Luigi Example:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) luigi --local-scheduler --module recon.masscan Masscan --target-file tesla --ports 80,443,22,21
Parameters: - rate – desired rate for transmitting packets (packets per second)
- interface – use the named raw network interface, such as “eth0”
- top_ports – Scan top N most popular ports
- ports – specifies the port(s) to be scanned
- db_location – specifies the path to the database used for storing results Required by upstream Task
- target_file – specifies the file on disk containing a list of ips or domains Required by upstream Task
- results_dir – specifes the directory on disk to which all Task results are written Required by upstream Task
- exempt_list – Path to a file providing blacklisted subdomains, one per line. Optional by upstream Task
()¶ Returns the target output for this task.
Naming convention for the output file is masscan.TARGET_FILE.json.
Returns: luigi.local_target.LocalTarget
()¶ Defines the options/arguments sent to masscan after processing.
Returns: list of options/arguments, beginning with the name of the executable to run Return type: list
Searchsploit Scanner¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Run
against eachnmap*.xml
file in the TARGET-nmap-results directory and write results to disk.- Install:
is already on your system if you’re using kali. If you’re not using kali, refer to your own distributions instructions for installingsearchcploit
.- Basic Example:
searchsploit --nmap htb-targets-nmap-results/nmap.
- Luigi Example:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) luigi --local-scheduler --module recon.nmap Searchsploit --target-file htb-targets --top-ports 5000
Parameters: - threads – number of threads for parallel nmap command execution Required by upstream Task
- db_location – specifies the path to the database used for storing results Required by upstream Task
- rate – desired rate for transmitting packets (packets per second) Required by upstream Task
- interface – use the named raw network interface, such as “eth0” Required by upstream Task
- top_ports – Scan top N most popular ports Required by upstream Task
- ports – specifies the port(s) to be scanned Required by upstream Task
- target_file – specifies the file on disk containing a list of ips or domains Required by upstream Task
- results_dir – specifies the directory on disk to which all Task results are written Required by upstream Task
()¶ Returns the target output for this task.
Naming convention for the output folder is TARGET_FILE-searchsploit-results.
The output folder will be populated with all of the output files generated by any searchsploit commands run.
Returns: luigi.local_target.LocalTarget
()¶ Searchsploit depends on ThreadedNmap to run.
TargetList expects target_file, results_dir, and db_location as parameters. Masscan expects rate, target_file, interface, and either ports or top_ports as parameters. ThreadedNmap expects threads
Returns: luigi.Task - ThreadedNmap
()¶ Grabs the xml files created by ThreadedNmap and runs searchsploit –nmap on each one, saving the output.
Subjack Scanner¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Use
to scan for potential subdomain takeovers.- Install:
go get cd ~/go/src/ go build go install
- Basic Example:
subjack -w webtargets.tesla.txt -t 100 -timeout 30 -o subjack.tesla.txt -ssl
- Luigi Example:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) luigi --local-scheduler --module recon.web.subdomain_takeover SubjackScan --target-file tesla --top-ports 1000 --interface eth0
Parameters: - threads – number of threads for parallel subjack command execution
- db_location – specifies the path to the database used for storing results Required by upstream Task
- exempt_list – Path to a file providing blacklisted subdomains, one per line. Optional by upstream Task
- top_ports – Scan top N most popular ports Required by upstream Task
- ports – specifies the port(s) to be scanned Required by upstream Task
- interface – use the named raw network interface, such as “eth0” Required by upstream Task
- rate – desired rate for transmitting packets (packets per second) Required by upstream Task
- target_file – specifies the file on disk containing a list of ips or domains Required by upstream Task
- results_dir – specifes the directory on disk to which all Task results are written Required by upstream Task
()¶ Returns the target output for this task.
Returns: luigi.contrib.sqla.SQLAlchemyTarget
()¶ Reads in the subjack’s subjack.txt file and updates the associated Target record.
()¶ SubjackScan depends on GatherWebTargets to run.
- GatherWebTargets accepts exempt_list and expects rate, target_file, interface,
- and either ports or top_ports as parameters
Returns: luigi.Task - GatherWebTargets
()¶ Defines the options/arguments sent to subjack after processing.
Returns: list of options/arguments, beginning with the name of the executable to run Return type: list
ThreadedNmap Scanner¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Run
against specific targets and ports gained from the ParseMasscanOutput Task.- Install:
is already on your system if you’re using kali. If you’re not using kali, refer to your own distributions instructions for installingnmap
.- Basic Example:
nmap --open -sT -sC -T 4 -sV -Pn -p 43,25,21,53,22 -oA htb-targets-nmap-results/nmap.
- Luigi Example:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) luigi --local-scheduler --module recon.nmap ThreadedNmap --target-file htb-targets --top-ports 5000
Parameters: - threads – number of threads for parallel nmap command execution
- db_location – specifies the path to the database used for storing results Required by upstream Task
- rate – desired rate for transmitting packets (packets per second) Required by upstream Task
- interface – use the named raw network interface, such as “eth0” Required by upstream Task
- top_ports – Scan top N most popular ports Required by upstream Task
- ports – specifies the port(s) to be scanned Required by upstream Task
- target_file – specifies the file on disk containing a list of ips or domains Required by upstream Task
- results_dir – specifes the directory on disk to which all Task results are written Required by upstream Task
()¶ Returns the target output for this task.
Naming convention for the output folder is TARGET_FILE-nmap-results.
The output folder will be populated with all of the output files generated by any nmap commands run. Because the nmap command uses -oA, there will be three files per target scanned: .xml, .nmap, .gnmap.
Returns: luigi.local_target.LocalTarget
()¶ Read nmap .xml results and add entries into specified database
()¶ ThreadedNmap depends on ParseMasscanOutput to run.
TargetList expects target_file, results_dir, and db_location as parameters. Masscan expects rate, target_file, interface, and either ports or top_ports as parameters.
Returns: luigi.Task - ParseMasscanOutput
()¶ Parses pickled target info dictionary and runs targeted nmap scans against only open ports.
TKOSubs Scanner¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Use
to scan for potential subdomain takeovers.- Install:
go get cd ~/go/src/ go build go install
- Basic Example:
tko-subs -domains=tesla.subdomains -data=/root/go/src/ -output=tkosubs.tesla.csv
- Luigi Example:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) luigi --local-scheduler --module recon.web.subdomain_takeover TKOSubsScan --target-file tesla --top-ports 1000 --interface eth0
Parameters: - db_location – specifies the path to the database used for storing results Required by upstream Task
- exempt_list – Path to a file providing blacklisted subdomains, one per line. Optional by upstream Task
- top_ports – Scan top N most popular ports Required by upstream Task
- ports – specifies the port(s) to be scanned Required by upstream Task
- interface – use the named raw network interface, such as “eth0” Required by upstream Task
- rate – desired rate for transmitting packets (packets per second) Required by upstream Task
- target_file – specifies the file on disk containing a list of ips or domains Required by upstream Task
- results_dir – specifes the directory on disk to which all Task results are written Required by upstream Task
()¶ Returns the target output for this task.
Returns: luigi.contrib.sqla.SQLAlchemyTarget
()¶ Reads in the tkosubs .csv file and updates the associated Target record.
()¶ TKOSubsScan depends on GatherWebTargets to run.
- GatherWebTargets accepts exempt_list and expects rate, target_file, interface,
- and either ports or top_ports as parameters
Returns: luigi.Task - GatherWebTargets
()¶ Defines the options/arguments sent to tko-subs after processing.
Returns: list of options/arguments, beginning with the name of the executable to run Return type: list
WaybackurlsScan Scanner¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Fetch known URLs from the Wayback Machine, Common Crawl, and Virus Total for historic data about the target.
- Install:
go get
- Basic Example:
commands are structured like the example domains.txt | waybackurls > urls
- Luigi Example:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) luigi --local-scheduler --module recon.web.waybackurls WaybackurlsScan --target-file tesla --top-ports 1000
Parameters: - db_location – specifies the path to the database used for storing results Required by upstream Task
- exempt_list – Path to a file providing blacklisted subdomains, one per line. Optional by upstream Task
- top_ports – Scan top N most popular ports Required by upstream Task
- ports – specifies the port(s) to be scanned Required by upstream Task
- interface – use the named raw network interface, such as “eth0” Required by upstream Task
- rate – desired rate for transmitting packets (packets per second) Required by upstream Task
- target_file – specifies the file on disk containing a list of ips or domains Required by upstream Task
- results_dir – specifes the directory on disk to which all Task results are written Required by upstream Task
()¶ Returns the target output for this task.
Returns: luigi.contrib.sqla.SQLAlchemyTarget
()¶ WaybackurlsScan depends on GatherWebTargets to run.
- GatherWebTargets accepts exempt_list and expects rate, target_file, interface,
- and either ports or top_ports as parameters
Returns: luigi.Task - GatherWebTargets
()¶ Defines the options/arguments sent to waybackurls after processing.
Webanalyze Scanner¶
(*args, **kwargs)¶ Use webanalyze to determine the technology stack on the given target(s).
- Install:
go get -u # loads new apps.json file from wappalyzer project webanalyze -update
- Basic Example:
webanalyze -host -output json
- Luigi Example:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) luigi --local-scheduler --module recon.web.webanalyze WebanalyzeScan --target-file tesla --top-ports 1000 --interface eth0
Parameters: - threads – number of threads for parallel webanalyze command execution
- db_location – specifies the path to the database used for storing results Required by upstream Task
- exempt_list – Path to a file providing blacklisted subdomains, one per line. Optional for upstream Task
- top_ports – Scan top N most popular ports Required by upstream Task
- ports – specifies the port(s) to be scanned Required by upstream Task
- interface – use the named raw network interface, such as “eth0” Required by upstream Task
- rate – desired rate for transmitting packets (packets per second) Required by upstream Task
- target_file – specifies the file on disk containing a list of ips or domains Required by upstream Task
- results_dir – specifes the directory on disk to which all Task results are written Required by upstream Task
()¶ Returns the target output for this task.
Returns: luigi.contrib.sqla.SQLAlchemyTarget
()¶ Reads in the webanalyze’s .csv files and updates the associated Target record.
()¶ WebanalyzeScan depends on GatherWebTargets to run.
- GatherWebTargets accepts exempt_list and expects rate, target_file, interface,
- and either ports or top_ports as parameters
Returns: luigi.Task - GatherWebTargets
()¶ Defines the options/arguments sent to webanalyze after processing.
Returns: list of options/arguments, beginning with the name of the executable to run Return type: list