
recon-pipeline provides a handful of commands:

All other available commands are inherited from cmd2.


Usage: tools [-h] {install, uninstall, reinstall, list} ...



Install any/all of the libraries/tools necessary to make the recon-pipeline function

tools install [-h]
              {go, gobuster, subjack, masscan, amass, seclists, waybackurls,
              exploitdb, searchsploit, recursive-gobuster, webanalyze,
              luigi-service, aquatone, tko-subs, all}
Positional Arguments

Possible choices: go, gobuster, subjack, masscan, amass, seclists, waybackurls, exploitdb, searchsploit, recursive-gobuster, webanalyze, luigi-service, aquatone, tko-subs, all

which tool to install


Remove the already installed tool

tools uninstall [-h]
                {go, gobuster, subjack, masscan, amass, seclists, waybackurls,
                exploitdb, searchsploit, recursive-gobuster, webanalyze,
                luigi-service, aquatone, tko-subs, all}
Positional Arguments

Possible choices: go, gobuster, subjack, masscan, amass, seclists, waybackurls, exploitdb, searchsploit, recursive-gobuster, webanalyze, luigi-service, aquatone, tko-subs, all

which tool to uninstall


Uninstall and then Install a given tool

tools reinstall [-h]
                {go, gobuster, subjack, masscan, amass, seclists, waybackurls,
                exploitdb, searchsploit, recursive-gobuster, webanalyze,
                luigi-service, aquatone, tko-subs, all}
Positional Arguments

Possible choices: go, gobuster, subjack, masscan, amass, seclists, waybackurls, exploitdb, searchsploit, recursive-gobuster, webanalyze, luigi-service, aquatone, tko-subs, all

which tool to reinstall


Show status of pipeline tools

tools list [-h]


Usage: database [-h] {list, delete, attach, detach} ...



List all known databases

database list [-h]


Delete the selected database

database delete [-h]


Attach to the selected database

database attach [-h]


Detach from the currently attached database

database detach [-h]


Usage: scan [-h] (--target-file TARGET_FILE | --target TARGET)
            [--exempt-list EXEMPT_LIST] [--results-dir RESULTS_DIR]
            [--wordlist WORDLIST] [--interface INTERFACE] [--recursive]
            [--rate RATE] [--top-ports TOP_PORTS | --ports PORTS]
            [--threads THREADS] [--scan-timeout SCAN_TIMEOUT] [--proxy PROXY]
            [--extensions EXTENSIONS] [--sausage] [--local-scheduler]

Positional Arguments

scantype which type of scan to run

Named Arguments

--target-file file created by the user that defines the target’s scope; list of ips/domains
--target ip or domain to target
--exempt-list list of blacklisted ips/domains

directory in which to save scan results (default: recon-results)

Default: “recon-results”

--wordlist path to wordlist used by gobuster (default: /home/docs/.local/recon-pipeline/tools/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt)
--interface which interface masscan should use (default: tun0)

whether or not to recursively gobust (default: False)

Default: False

--rate rate at which masscan should scan (default: 1000)
--top-ports ports to scan as specified by nmap’s list of top-ports (only meaningful to around 5000)
--ports port specification for masscan (all ports example: 1-65535,U:1-65535)
--threads number of threads for all of the threaded applications to use (default: 10)
--scan-timeout scan timeout for aquatone (default: 900)
--proxy proxy for gobuster if desired (ex.
--extensions list of extensions for gobuster (ex. asp,html,aspx)

open a web browser to Luigi’s central scheduler’s visualization site (see how the sausage is made!)

Default: False


use the local scheduler instead of the central scheduler (luigid) (default: False)

Default: False


shows debug messages from luigi, useful for troubleshooting (default: False)

Default: False


Usage: status [-h] [--port PORT] [--host HOST]

Named Arguments


port on which the luigi central scheduler’s visualization site is running (default: 8082)

Default: “8082”


host on which the luigi central scheduler’s visualization site is running (default: localhost)

Default: “”


Usage: view [-h]
            {targets, web-technologies, endpoints, nmap-scans,
            searchsploit-results, ports} ...



List all known targets (ipv4/6 & domain names); produced by amass

view targets [-h] [--vuln-to-subdomain-takeover]
             [--type {ipv4, ipv6, domain-name}] [--paged]
Named Arguments

show targets identified as vulnerable to subdomain takeover

Default: False


Possible choices: ipv4, ipv6, domain-name

filter by target type


display output page-by-page (default: False)

Default: False


List all known web technologies identified; produced by webanalyze

view web-technologies [-h] [--paged] [--host HOST] [--type TYPE]
                      [--product PRODUCT]
Named Arguments

display output page-by-page (default: False)

Default: False

--host filter results by host
--type filter results by type
--product filter results by product


List all known endpoints; produced by gobuster

view endpoints [-h] [--headers] [--paged] [--plain]
               [--status-code STATUS_CODE] [--host HOST]
Named Arguments

include headers found at each endpoint (default: False)

Default: False


display output page-by-page (default: False)

Default: False


display without status-codes/color (default: False)

Default: False

--status-code filter results by status code
--host filter results by host


List all known nmap scan results; produced by nmap

view nmap-scans [-h] [--paged] [--commandline] [--host HOST]
                [--nse-script NSE_SCRIPT] [--port PORT] [--product PRODUCT]
Named Arguments

display output page-by-page (default: False)

Default: False


display command used to scan (default: False)

Default: False

--host filter results by host
--nse-script filter results by nse script type ran
--port filter results by port scanned
--product filter results by reported product


List all known searchsploit hits; produced by searchsploit

view searchsploit-results [-h] [--paged] [--fullpath] [--host HOST]
                          [--type TYPE]
Named Arguments

display output page-by-page (default: False)

Default: False


display full path to exploit PoC (default: False)

Default: False

--host filter results by host
--type filter results by exploit type


List all known open ports; produced by masscan

view ports [-h] [--paged] [--host HOST] [--port-number PORT_NUMBER]
Named Arguments

display output page-by-page (default: False)

Default: False

--host filter results by host
--port-number filter results by port number