Create a New Wrapper Scan

If for whatever reason you want something other than FullScan, the process for defining a new scan is relatively simple. The HTBScan is a good example.

  1. Define your new class, inheriting from luigi.WrapperTask and use the inherits decorator to include any scan you want to utilize
@inherits(SearchsploitScan, AquatoneScan, GobusterScan, WebanalyzeScan)
class HTBScan(luigi.WrapperTask):
  1. Include all parameters needed by any of the scans passed to inherits
def requires(self):
    """ HTBScan is a wrapper, as such it requires any Tasks that it wraps. """
    args = {
        "results_dir": self.results_dir,
        "rate": self.rate,
        "target_file": self.target_file,
        "top_ports": self.top_ports,
        "interface": self.interface,
        "ports": self.ports,
        "exempt_list": self.exempt_list,
        "threads": self.threads,
        "proxy": self.proxy,
        "wordlist": self.wordlist,
        "extensions": self.extensions,
        "recursive": self.recursive,
  1. yield from each scan, keeping in mind that some of the parameters won’t be universal (i.e. need to be removed/added)
def requires(self):
    """ HTBScan is a wrapper, as such it requires any Tasks that it wraps. """

    yield GobusterScan(**args)

    # remove options that are gobuster specific; if left dictionary unpacking to other scans throws an exception
    for gobuster_opt in ("proxy", "wordlist", "extensions", "recursive"):
        del args[gobuster_opt]

    # add aquatone scan specific option
    args.update({"scan_timeout": self.scan_timeout})

    yield AquatoneScan(**args)

    del args["scan_timeout"]

    yield SearchsploitScan(**args)
    yield WebanalyzeScan(**args)